Emily Short

Open all errors
"Approaches provides a GO TO place action which allows the player to move through visited rooms to a new location. It also allows other characters to traverse the map to named locations. It is designed to work with Locksmith by Emily Short. Version 7 drops the erroneous requirement of the Plurality extension, which was still mentioned in Version 6."
Assorted Text Generation supplies routines for producing prose in various common situations.
"Creates a drawer kind of container, which is designed to be part of an item of furniture. Automatically parses names such as 'top drawer' or 'fourth drawer' or 'left drawer'; adds some features for describing furniture with drawers."
Basic Help Menu by Emily Short (Internal)
"Provides a HELP command which brings up a menu giving standard instructions about IF."
Basic Hyperlinks by Emily ShortVersion 3/140513(for Glulx only)
"Allows the author to set hyperlinks in the main window and give instructions about what is to result from performing them."

Something went wrong late in compilation, when working through the
'pipeline' of code-generation steps. (This should not normally happen
unless your source text is making use of '(-' and '-)' and getting that
wrong, or unless you are experimenting with non-standard pipelines.) The
pipeline looks like so:
1. read
2. parse-insertions
3. resolve-conditional-compilation
4. compile-splats
5. load-binary-kits
6. make-synoptic-module
7. shorten-wiring
Problem: unable to find definitions for the following name(s): SetLink
8. detect-indirect-calls
9. make-identifiers-unique
10. reconcile-verbs
11. eliminate-redundant-labels
12. eliminate-redundant-operations
13. optionally-generate text ->
14. generate
15. index
Basic Screen Effects by Emily Short (Internal)  Version 7/140425
"Waiting for a keypress; clearing the screen. Also provides facilities for changing the foreground and background colors of text, when using the z-machine. These abilities will not function under Glulx."
Complex Listing by Emily Short (Internal)  Version 9
"Complex Listing provides more sophisticated listing options: the ability to impose special ordering instructions on a list, and also the ability to change the delimiters of the list to produce different styles and effects."
Computers by Emily ShortVersion 8/160611
"Computer hardware and software, including search engines and email programs. Version 3 adds handling for batteries and cords, if we include Power Sources by Emily Short (which itself depends on Plugs and Sockets by Sean Turner)."
"Allows for doors that are implemented as having independent 'faces' -- to put a knocker on that can only be seen from on side, for instance, or to allow the player to lock one side with a key but the other with a latch. Also introduces a 'latched door' kind."
Dishes by Emily ShortVersion 2
"Dishes is a convenience extension for use with Measured Liquid. It provides some standard-sized cups, glasses, graduated measuring cups, jugs, bottles, etc., as well as a corked bottle kind that opens with the use of a secondary cork object."
Facing by Emily ShortVersion 11/160611
"Provides actions to face a direction, look toward a named room, or look through a named door."
Glulx Entry Points by Emily ShortVersion 10/200602(for Glulx only)
"Provides hooks to allow the author to write specialized multimedia behavior that would normally go through HandleGlkEvent. This is a rather dull utility library that will be of most use to authors wanting to write Glulx extensions compatible with other Glulx extensions already in use."
Glulx Image Centering by Emily Short (Internal)  Version 4(for Glulx only)
"Glulx Image Centering adds the ability to display an image that is centered (left/right) on the screen."
Glulx Text Effects by Emily ShortVersion 5/150123(for Glulx only)
"Gives control over text formatting in Glulx."
Inanimate Listeners by Emily Short (Internal)
"Allows the player to address inanimate objects such as a talking computer, microphone, or telephone in a form such as ASK COMPUTER ABOUT COORDINATES."
"Introductions provides an introductory paragraph about objects in a room description the first time the player looks in that location. It also allows the author to add segue text that will appear between one description and the next."
Location Images by Emily Short(for Glulx only)
"Allows the author to set per-room images and show these as the player moves from room to room. Requires Simple Graphical Window by Emily Short."

Something went wrong late in compilation, when working through the
'pipeline' of code-generation steps. (This should not normally happen
unless your source text is making use of '(-' and '-)' and getting that
wrong, or unless you are experimenting with non-standard pipelines.) The
pipeline looks like so:
1. read
2. parse-insertions
3. resolve-conditional-compilation
4. compile-splats
5. load-binary-kits
6. make-synoptic-module
7. shorten-wiring
Problem: unable to find definitions for the following name(s):
rng_seed_at_start_of_play, P_ref_number, P_scale_method, P_position,
P_minimum_size, P_measurement, P_border_hint, P_type, P_rock_number,
GetEitherOrProperty, P_g_present
8. detect-indirect-calls
9. make-identifiers-unique
10. reconcile-verbs
11. eliminate-redundant-labels
12. eliminate-redundant-operations
13. optionally-generate text ->
14. generate
15. index
Locksmith by Emily Short (Internal)  Version 12
"Implicit handling of doors and containers so that lock manipulation is automatic if the player has the necessary keys."
Measured Liquid by Emily ShortVersion 6/201125
"Measured Liquid provides a concept of volume, together with the ability to fill containers, pour measured amounts of liquid, and drink from containers. It handles mixtures as well, if desired. It is compatible with, but does not require, the Metric Units extension by Graham Nelson."
Menus by Emily Short (Internal)  Version 3
"A table-based way to display full-screen menus to the player."
"Modern Conveniences creates kitchen and bathroom kinds of room, which will automatically be furnished with a set of plausible appliances. (This was originally an example in the manual of how to create extensions, and an annotated version may still be found there.) Version 3 adds compatibility with Measured Liquid, modeling flowing water from taps."
"Changes the handling of the EXIT action, allowing commands such as EXIT PLATFORM and GET OUT OF CHAIR, making characters leave enterable objects before traveling, and altering the default interpretation of >OUT when the player is neither inside an object nor in a room with an outside exit. Updated for adaptive text."
"Allows the author to define a mood value for characters and then use text substitutions such as '[when bored]The king fidgets on his throne[or sleepy]The king snores[at other times]The king grins[end when].' Moods will be interpreted in 'writing a paragraph' and similar contexts as the mood of the person described in the paragraph, but at other times according to the mood of the person to whom the player is currently speaking."

An internal error has occurred: CIP level accessed outside function. The
current sentence is 'Include (- [ CurMood; if ( (+ item describ [...] t
interlocutor +); return 0; ]; -)' mood
variations by emily short; the error was detected at line 116 of
"inter/building-module/Chapter 3/Produce.w". This should never happen, and
I am now halting in abject failure.
"An extension to go with Room Description Control, which emulates as closely as possible the behavior of Inform defaults, but allows the intervention of Room Description Control."
Postures by Emily ShortVersion 2/180528
"Postures defines three postures -- seated, standing, and reclining -- and allows pieces of furniture to specify which postures are possible and preferred when the player is on those furnishings."
"Power Sources provides an implementation of plugs and batteries, and is designed to be used alongside Computers or as a base for other device implementations. It requires Plugs and Sockets by Sean Turner."
"A light testing extension to identify rooms and game items that may still be lacking descriptions or other properties."
Punctuation Removal by Emily Short (Internal)  Version 5
Punctuation Removal provides phrases for removing unwanted punctuation marks from the player's command before attempting to interpret it. These are
Recorded Endings by Emily ShortVersion 5(for Glulx only)
"Records the endings the player encounters in multiple play-throughs to an external file; then adds an ENDINGS option to the final question to allow the player to review which endings he has seen so far."
"A framework by which the author can considerably change the listing of objects in a room description. Includes facilities for concealing objects arbitrarily and changing the order in which objects are listed."
"Allows non-player characters to follow the player (or one another); adds a FOLLOW command and a corresponding STOP FOLLOWING command so that the player can issue these orders to non-player characters. Adds adaptive text features."
Simple Graphical Window by Emily ShortVersion 10/161003(for Glulx only)
"Provides a graphics window in one part of the screen, in which the author can place images; with provision for scaling, tiling, or centering images automatically. Glulx only."

Something went wrong late in compilation, when working through the
'pipeline' of code-generation steps. (This should not normally happen
unless your source text is making use of '(-' and '-)' and getting that
wrong, or unless you are experimenting with non-standard pipelines.) The
pipeline looks like so:
1. read
2. parse-insertions
3. resolve-conditional-compilation
4. compile-splats
5. load-binary-kits
6. make-synoptic-module
7. shorten-wiring
Problem: unable to find definitions for the following name(s):
rng_seed_at_start_of_play, P_ref_number, P_scale_method, P_position,
P_minimum_size, P_measurement, P_border_hint, P_type, P_rock_number,
GetEitherOrProperty, P_g_present
8. detect-indirect-calls
9. make-identifiers-unique
10. reconcile-verbs
11. eliminate-redundant-labels
12. eliminate-redundant-operations
13. optionally-generate text ->
14. generate
15. index
"A room description extension based on Room Description Control (which is required). All contents of a room are summarized in a single paragraph, starting with the regular room description."
Skeleton Keys by Emily Short (Internal)
This extension replaces the default behavior of Inform, which allows one key per lock, with a more generous system in which unlocking applies to multiple objects. That means that it is possible to write a skeleton key like so:

In the sentence 'Section 1 - Multiple locking (in place of Section SR1/9
- Lockability in Standard Rules by Graham Nelson)' skeleton
keys by emily short, it looks as if you intend to replace a section of source
text from the extension 'Standard Rules by Graham Nelson', but that
extension does not seem to have any heading called 'Section SR1/9 -
Lockability'. (The version I loaded was 6.)
"An extension to go with Room Description Control, providing a different style of room description than the default. Parenthetical remarks such as (open) and (in which are...) are omitted in favor of full English sentences. Removes the requirement for Text Variations."
"Transit System provides a train-car kind which follows a schedule around the map, allowing the player or other characters to get on or off."
"Adds a tutorial mode, which is on by default, to any game, to introduce key actions for the novice player. Can be revised or expanded by the author."